Choose Your Future 2024

“Together we build not only structures but also futures filled with promise and opportunity” - Loredana williams, PEOPLE & CULTURE DIRECTOR AT iwc

Making career decisions can be daunting, especially for high school students contemplating their future pathways. Recognising this challenge, our dedicated team at IWC recently embarked on an empowering mission to guide and inspire the next generation of construction workers at an event in Cardiff hosted by Careers Wales.

Our esteemed team, Annemarie Jenkins and Bridie Williams attended the event to shed light on the diverse roles and career pathways available within the construction industry. Annemarie took the stage, delivering an interactive presentation that highlighted the multitude of opportunities awaiting aspiring young audiences in the field of construction.

The team was delighted to receive glowing feedback on their interactions, knowing they had made a positive impact through participation in the event.

“I thought it was an excellent collaborative session, both in the development and its delivery, so many thanks for your time, input, and support. I was amazed at how many pupils we reached out to and the interactions that we received from them, both during the session, and afterwards”. - Nick Toulson, SOCIAL VALUES ADVISOR AT Bouygues

By fostering awareness and understanding of construction careers among young minds, we strive to inspire the next generation of construction workers and contribute to the future growth and success of the industry. As advocates for mentorship and education, IWC remains committed to nurturing talent and empowering individuals to pursue their passions in construction.